Crystal Therapy Council (CTC)
CTC Agreed Training Standards
CTC Registration Requirements
CTC Constitution 2020
CTC Code of Conduct 2018
CTC Disciplinary Rules & Procedure
CTC Equal Opportunities Policy
CTC Grievance Procedure
CTC Harassment & Bullying Prevention Policy
CTC Fair Assessment Policy
CTC Disclosure and Barring Service Checks
CTC Environmental Policy
CTC Health & Safety Statement
CTC Voluntary Self Regulation
CTC Practice Performance Criteria
What is CPD? (Continuing Professional Development) - PDF
Guidance on recording CPD - PDF
Insurance is available for schools, tutors, students and practitioners from Holistic Insurance Sevices: click here
Useful Information:
Download PDF on crystals that are toxic and those that are not Click: Here
Download PDF on Trade Names and Mis-names of Crystals: Click Here
To be council and register crystal healing or therapy schools which meet the training, assessment and management standards set by CTC.
To maintain an agreed training standard of Crystal Healing /Therapy for diploma holders.
To supply and work within an agreed Code of Conduct.
To support registered schools through the sharing of expertise and providing verification and moderation for member-schools, where required.
To support the provision of continuing professional development for tutors and practitioners.
To act as a consultative body.
CTC School Registration Requirements:
Anyone school is welcome to join CTC and simply needs to show that they can meet the following requirements:
(Former schools of ACHO are welcome to join until December 31st 2020 with a bye)
To agree to be bound by the CTC Constitution and Code of Conduct
To agree to implement and abide by the CTC policy statements
To show that the diploma course they offer is a (minimum) two-year course which meets the CTC Training Standards.
To show that they have adequate insurance cover
To show evidence of qualification as a crystal healer/therapist
To show evidence of teaching qualifications (minimum CTLLS or equivalent, PTLLS can be considered) or evidence of teaching crystal healing/therapy for seven years
To show evidence of good practice
To be willing to join in any standardisation exercise run by CTC
Registration Application Form Click here to download
Guidance on Verification and Moderation of students' work(PDF)